saturn return

Jennette McCurdy & The Blessing of the Saturn Return

Jennette McCurdy & The Blessing of the Saturn Return

I’ve previously written about singer JoJo, and how her Saturn Return ended up being a prosperous time in her life. (Humble brag: she read it!)

Anyway, I wanted to examine Jennette McCurdy of Nickelodeon fame (Sam & Cat, iCarly, etc.). Her name has been buzzing around a lot lately due to the imminent release of her memoir: I'm Glad My Mom Died

Princess Diana of Wales and the Posthumous Saturn Return

Princess Diana of Wales and the Posthumous Saturn Return

Princess Diana is such a behemoth public figure and will probably live on for centuries in the zeitgeist and culture. Very rarely does a human being seem to have a legacy that continues on for hundreds of years. Its a specific condition of some celebrities. I believe Princess Diana will be one of those few. So does examining current planetary transits against her chart make sense or seem weird? Her natal energy seems to continue on. This is the Saturn Return of a legacy.

The Astrology of Weight Loss ft. Adele

The Astrology of Weight Loss ft. Adele

Some predispositions for indulgence/weight issues for Adele: Sun conj Jupiter in Taurus (Lizzo has this as well, and so does food-loving comedian Jim Gaffigan), and Moon in Sag. Much is said of the Taurus appetite, but Jupiter is the planet of true indulgence, going overboard, etc. Now put all that in Taurus... Her Moon in Sag (Jupiter again) is also in her 6th house of diet. Her 2nd house (which rules over material possession and sustenance i.e. food) is Leo, ruled over by this Sun. So there is a theme of using food to feel secure, deriving confidence from 2nd house themes. Jupiter/Sun also opposes Pluto, so eating for a sense of control.

JoJo & The Blessing of a Saturn Return

We need to note that JoJo has a massive 12th house Capricorn stellium--Mercury RX, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus and NN. That she was forced into relative obscurity reinforces 12th house themes of things hidden, things ending, doing things in secret. Music studios are also the 12th house--forced creative isolation. She remarked in the documentary that she would constantly read articles that proclaimed she must have died. She recalled how frustrating it was to see musicians who started after her start to pass and out-pace her.