
Reframing Aquarius: How the Cool and Detached Offer Us Love

Reframing Aquarius: How the Cool and Detached Offer Us Love

I want to disclaim, before you jump in, that Love in this write-up and in my opinion, is not a feat of romantic heroism or distilled in ambiguous twin-flame theory. It is not a Drew Barrymore rom-com or an episode of The Bachelor. The Love I speak of here transcends the human trappings of performance, expectation, and desperation. The Love I speak of here, the Aquarius Love, is dispassionate, impersonal, and vastly encompassing. It is a validation of humanity, in all its forms. It is the simple act of non-judgement and fundamental acceptance, that allows the human spirit space to breathe and be. That is my Love.

I want to disclaim, also, that this write-up is about the archetype of Aquarius, what exists in the ether independent of human form. I write from my personal brand of Mercury conjunct Neptune magic. Therefore, this is not necessarily about your Aquarius Sun mother, or your Aquarius Venus crush, or about historical figures of Aquarian nature and lore. It is about energy. What human beings do with that energy sprouts a myriad of potential. Below is one of those potentials.

Re-imagining Mercury RX, and How it May Work out for You in Aquarius

Re-imagining Mercury RX, and How it May Work out for You in Aquarius

I am not a Mercury retrograde doomsayer. Much of the narrative around this thrice annual retrogradation event is hyperbolic to me. So, much of what I write here will be informed by a cooler sensibility. Which is wonderfully evocative of Mercury’s nature in Aquarius anyway.

What are the facts?

Well, in 2021, Mercury will retrograde three times: once in Aquarius, once in Gemini, and once in Libra. A suite of air signs. The retrograde of note in this write up is the Aquarius one. Mercury has begun to slow down in the sky as it stations retrograde. This lead up to the actual event is called a shadow period, and much of what is happening now specific to Mercury in Aquarius topics in your chart have already reared and will come up again for resolution when Mercury stations direct and treads back over these same degrees. Mercury will officially retrograde on January 30th at 26 degrees of Aquarius and then station direct on February 20th at 11 degrees of Aquarius. Accounting for shadow periods, the bread on the retrograde sandwich at either side, Mercury technically began annoying us on January 15th and won’t stop until March 13th.

The Astrology of a Doomed Event: NASA's Challenger Disaster

The Astrology of a Doomed Event: NASA's Challenger Disaster

Taking a break from public figures and focusing instead on the natal chart of an event. It's also a subtle shout out for electional Astrology, or the intentional planning of an event under the most favorable cosmic sky you can find, within limit. (Please note: I don't think Challenger could have been saved by favorable Astrology. If you know anything about the lead up to the disaster, it was human error after human error, miscommunications abound, etc.)

The fascinating thing about this event is that NASA launches are kept record of in a rigorous way, meaning that the chart of the Challenger disaster is derived from official record. So, we can look upon the chart with a tremendous amount of credibility. There is also an official record of the "birth time" of the Challenger vessel, so we can compare the natal chart of the ship to the chart of the event. Here are some tidbits of note.