Reframing The Trine: Don’t Believe The Hype

Reframing The Trine: Don’t Believe The Hype

This may be welcome news for some of you and potentially unwelcome news for others. But only if you subscribe to the “trines = goodWOWawesome” version of astrological reality.


Yes, trines represent planetary interactions that feel second nature, that are well integrated and run smoothly. They run so smoothly that they can operate in the background of our awareness. That’s why they produce talents or success— we don’t have to try. The goodies are just *there.*


But what if that background processing has been compromised? What if malware has inconspicuously started running the show?

Reframing Taurus: Respecting the Wisdom of the Body.

Reframing Taurus: Respecting the Wisdom of the Body.

Taurus is a fixed Earth sign, unmovable, reliable. Lunar cousins with Cancer, sharing the compulsion to take care and nurture. Where Cancer moves like bodies of water, Taurus is the Earth upon which those bodies stretch, bend, expand, dry up, and flood over. Taurus is what holds together, the structure that supports experience and emotion. Taurus takes the burst of life that is Aries and gives it shape, it settles ash into grass. The Moon is an exalted guest in Taurus, telling us that the emotional body is a body.

The Soft Life: Venus in your Natal Chart

The Soft Life: Venus in your Natal Chart

As you know, archetypically, Venus represents what we find pleasurable, what we enjoy, what simple delights have the power to restore equilibrium of soul and spirit. Venus in the natal chart can show us where it is soft, where life can become tenderized. Venus shows us the specific path of least resistance in a life that constantly pushes against us. Venus is for everyone. Everyone has Venus somewhere. Plus, Venus is dynamic. There is no one size fits all approach to softness. Venus’ methods of malleability are myriad, diverse, and unrelenting.