The Astrology of Weight Loss ft. Adele

This post has nothing to do with my opinions on her weight loss, or her weight at all. No value judgments. Just objective observations ft. astrology.

  1. Some predispositions for indulgence/weight issues for Adele: Sun conj Jupiter in Taurus (Lizzo has this as well, and so does food-loving comedian Jim Gaffigan), and Moon in Sag. Much is said of the Taurus appetite, but Jupiter is the planet of true indulgence, going overboard, etc. Now put all that in Taurus... Her Moon in Sag (Jupiter again) is also in her 6th house of diet. Her 2nd house (which rules over material possession and sustenance i.e. food) is Leo, ruled over by this Sun. So there is a theme of using food to feel secure, deriving confidence from 2nd house themes. Jupiter/Sun also opposes Pluto, so eating for a sense of control.

  2. Adele started her weight loss journey during her Saturn Return, as all big changes tend to happen during this period! Her natal chart, rated B (so more than likely reliable), has her Saturn in Cap in the 7th sitting in a direct opposition to her ASC in Cancer. So anything that happens to Saturn invariably affects her appearance as well. Adele also celebrated a divorce during this period, freeing her up to work on herself. Saturn is the planet of restriction, and its transits have a lot to do with weight loss. Thin and grim planet.

  3. Adele was in a 6th house profection year when she started her weight loss journey, finished a 7th and 8th house year, and is now in a 9th house year, having celebrated her 32nd bday a few days ago. The 6th house year is where we can establish new health routines. Her ruler of the 6th, Jupiter conj. her Sun, and her Moon, in Sag, were all planets at play. The Moon being comfort, Sun being identity, and Jupiter being excess--perhaps Adele had a realization about her health and weight and her relationship to food. The Sun in the mix, very visible in the 11th, means, of course, opinions from the public at large about her. Her weight loss is very much an identity overhaul, for better and worse.

Everyone undergoing their Saturn Return experiences a 6th house year. That is why Saturn Returns often become about getting better, healthier, and establishing productive habits. That is why Saturn Returns are also often about responsibility and duty--themes of the 6th. Planets and rulers of the 6th very by chart, as do the flavors of the SR.

3 cont'd) Adele's 7th house year was a compounding activation of Saturn. She was in her SR, in a Capricorn 7th year, with Saturn in Capricorn. With Mars in Aquarius, Mars was also activated because Saturn rules Aquarius. Mars adds in the willpower component,. It also trines her Venus, so the pursuits of Mars aid in feeling beautiful for her. And then when she entered her 8th house year, Mars was activated again, ruling over her 5th house Scorpio (remember her Pluto Jupe opposition above), and her 10th house Aries. Her 8th house year, 2019, is when she would show off her results, posting sporadically to Instagram. That's a 10th house activation. Maybe the 5th house activation is that she was always photographed at parties, at the beach, and just having hella fun.

4) Adele has Venus in Gemini opposite her Moon in Sag. That's kind of an obvious indicator that her relationship to food and her sense of beauty and esteem are always at odds. She's stated that she's felt very insecure about her weight. Venus in the 12th can also be why her love life is often very private, but also why she chose to undergo this transformation privately. Some celebrities opt for the all-in show n tell approach.

5) She lost weight with the Sirtfood Diet. This is just so hilarious to me. This diet allows red wine, dark chocolate, olive oil, and other very rich foods. DO NOT TAKE AWAY WINE AND CHOCOLATE FROM A TAURUS!!! These are all foods that contain the protein sirtuin. Sirtuins work on the body's inflammation response (Jupiter Venus tings). Its reportedly "inspired by nature" and also includes foods such as kale, walnuts, barely, coffee--aka things that grow from earth. Very Taurus.

6) The Nodes. The North Node in Cancer was transiting her 1st house, while the SN in Capricorn was transiting her 7th. The clear manifestation of this was her divorce. But NN playing in the 1st is a growing sense of confidence. The Cancer seeps in with care and nurturing of yourself, which can be done through food and activity and health, but also an intangible self-love. Cancer is also a vulnerable place, so her posting pictures of herself was an act of bravery, especially for a celebrity. Putting more emphasis on who you are as in individual versus who you are in a relationship. SN in Capricorn for her could also mean retreat from public life, as Capricorn can be where we accomplish and do business things.

All the best to her xx