
Reframing Aquarius: How the Cool and Detached Offer Us Love

Reframing Aquarius: How the Cool and Detached Offer Us Love

I want to disclaim, before you jump in, that Love in this write-up and in my opinion, is not a feat of romantic heroism or distilled in ambiguous twin-flame theory. It is not a Drew Barrymore rom-com or an episode of The Bachelor. The Love I speak of here transcends the human trappings of performance, expectation, and desperation. The Love I speak of here, the Aquarius Love, is dispassionate, impersonal, and vastly encompassing. It is a validation of humanity, in all its forms. It is the simple act of non-judgement and fundamental acceptance, that allows the human spirit space to breathe and be. That is my Love.

I want to disclaim, also, that this write-up is about the archetype of Aquarius, what exists in the ether independent of human form. I write from my personal brand of Mercury conjunct Neptune magic. Therefore, this is not necessarily about your Aquarius Sun mother, or your Aquarius Venus crush, or about historical figures of Aquarian nature and lore. It is about energy. What human beings do with that energy sprouts a myriad of potential. Below is one of those potentials.

The Great Conjunction (Saturn + Jupiter) through the Houses + Affirmations for December 21st (and beyond).

The Great Conjunction (Saturn + Jupiter) through the Houses + Affirmations for December 21st (and beyond).

Saturn and Jupiter meet up in the sky approximately every 20 years. The Great Chronocator, the Markers of Time, Saturn and Jupiter conjunct represent a societal changing of the guard. The last Great Conjunction was in the year 2000 in the sign of Taurus at 22 degrees, and symbolically marked a 20-year period of enhanced focus on the world economy, conglomeration of banks and corporations, making money and achieving material stability. Jupiter and Saturn have teamed up in earth signs for the last 200 years and will enter a 200-year period of meeting up in air signs.

JoJo & The Blessing of a Saturn Return

We need to note that JoJo has a massive 12th house Capricorn stellium--Mercury RX, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus and NN. That she was forced into relative obscurity reinforces 12th house themes of things hidden, things ending, doing things in secret. Music studios are also the 12th house--forced creative isolation. She remarked in the documentary that she would constantly read articles that proclaimed she must have died. She recalled how frustrating it was to see musicians who started after her start to pass and out-pace her.