The Delusion of Kanye West ft. Jupiter and Neptune

Just read an article that Kanye is considering a 2024 presidential run and a name change to “Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West” or some such.

The armchair psychiatrist in me screamed: “get this man on medication post haste!”

But the Astrologer in me was like “this all makes sense.”

Kanye West is a 16° Pisces Moon. Which means RX Neptune is right on his Moon right now, a second pass, and will have a third pass later when direct.

Pure fodder for delusion and being fanatical about Christianity now. His natal Pisces Moon (and therefore transit Neptune) also squares his bombastic and frankly narcissistic Sun conj. Jupiter in Gemini, further exacerbating these delusions of grandeur. Neptune square natal Jupiter is perfect for finding religion, and unfortunately can result in a lot of fanaticalism. Most Christian televangelists have very very strong Jupiter or Pisces. With the natal Sun there, his ego is more than tied up in this new, ramped up holier than thou disposition. Adding fuel to the fire.

Now his natal Neptune is in Sag. Guess where Jupiter is now folx? Yep, Sag—in Western Astrology. That means there is a double Jupiter to Neptune circus playing out for him, and BOTH worsened by the triple passes of retrogradation. Transit Jupiter is pretty much done with him, but laid the groundwork for his...I want to say, extended manic episode. Jupiter blows everything up.

What does this create? A t-square! Neptune opposite Sun/Jupiter. And a Pisces Moon apex. The release from the tension is found through his Pisces Moon, which is why religion is of particular importance for him right now. (Plus I didn’t mention that natal Neptune opposite natal Sun and Jupiter can create this fantasy wherein you believe you are the best, that no one understands you or is on your level, and frankly someone with dissociative personality and mood disorders. The ego is fractured by the dissolution of Neptune). A mutable T Square can also make ripe conditions for someone who is erratic. Also fitting for his bipolar disorder.

I also found it interest to note that Kanye’s mom died the last time Jupiter was in Sag. Many think his latent mental illnesses were worsened by her death and ultimately laid the groundwork for the woefully flawed personality we see before us now. A Jupiter cycle indeed.

Runner up—Uranus in Taurus is also conjunct his Venus and Mars conjunction. Shake ups and eccentricity and sporadic direction galore. Specifically regarding the women in his life (forbidding make up for North, forbidding sexiness for Kim).

Kanye’s rising of Cancer is not rock solid. But if it were true, the moon in Pisces would be playing out in the 9th house of religion and spirituality (along with transit Neptune there now), and the Sun conj Jupiter in Gemini would be playing out in the 12th house of psychic trauma, undoing and mental illness. Plus transit Saturn and Pluto would be in his 7th, explaining his tightened reigns around the relationships in his life. We don’t know his birth time for sure but this sure lines up...