12 Signs, 12 Serial Killers & What May Have Compelled Them To Kill


You’ve seen the meme going around. The one that tallies up infamous serial killers and their Sun signs. The result? A heap of mutable signs. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. I’m tired of the slander! Jokes aside, it does seem to perpetuate harmful stereotypes, especially for Gemini and Sagittarius (or Sagiterrorist as Twitter says---yikes) ,that there is something inherently dubious, untrustworthy or sinister about these signs. So here is a brief examination of all 12 signs, the infamous killers who belong to them, and the planetary conditions that can compel heinous acts. That’s right, murdering is equal-opportunity and doesn’t discriminate based on sign. Leggo!

Aries: Donald Harvey, born 4/15/1952. Killed 37-57 people while working as an orderly. Method: mostly poison. RX Mars in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo. Mars in the 8th, Pluto in the 5th. Poison, a rather passive way of killing someone, can belong to a RX Mars in Scorpio, and the perverse pleasure from such acts can belong to Pluto in the 5th. ASC ruled by this Mars, out of aspect to the ASC—suggesting a hidden, unwieldy martial nature. Tense aspects between Mars and Pluto can manifest…darkly. He also had Neptune opposite his Sun-Jupiter conjunction in the 1st. Neptune can destabilize the ego, create low self esteem, and produce disturbing fantasies, especially here with a sextile to Pluto. Uranus in the 4th in Cancer is the apex of a T-square, with the opposition between his Sun-Jupiter and Neptune, both of which square Uranus. Acting out in erratic and disturbing ways whilst taking care of people in a place they call home (Uranus-Cancer-4th). Harvey said he killed out of empathy, wanting to end others’ suffering, or out of anger. Jupiter conj Sun in the 1st in Aries can create a hot-head whose anger gets out of order (Jupiter expands) very fast. Harvey also had tense aspects from his Venus to his Moon and from his Venus and Mercury to Saturn. Unloved, a hardened love, loss of confidence. Moon in detriment in Capricorn.

Taurus: Albert Fish, born 5/19/1870. Killed 3, confirmed. A suspected 9-100 others. Method: variable, but sexual in nature. No time of birth and therefore no rising sign. Mars conjunct Pluto in Taurus. So we are sensing a Mars-Pluto theme. In the fleshy sign of Taurus, this conjunction unfortunately manifested as a fascination with genitals and sexual mutilation. Mars can be our sex drive, and Taurus is a carnal and physical sign, concerned with the body and physical pleasures. Pluto adds the darkness and obsession. Fish also mutilated himself, sticking several needles into his, uh, pelvic region. Mars in Taurus cuts into the flesh. Fish said that he felt God was compelling him to torture children. His Capricorn Moon was opposite his Uranus in Cancer, disturbed rationale on the idea of taking care of children. Here, Venus was also square the Moon, conjunct Neptune, and square Uranus. His prevailing sense of value and love was disillusioned by Neptune (feeling directed by God, a higher force) and completely abnormal (Venus sq Uranus). He was apparently nicknamed The Moon Maniac because he struck at night. Weirdly enough, the Moon exalts in Taurus. Not astrologically relevant but ironic.

Gemini: I feel like I should skip this re: the meme alluded to above. So many to choose from…

Uh—David, “Son of Sam” Berkowitz, born 6/1/1953. Killed 6. Method: stabbing and shooting. I know you’re wondering by now: what are Mars and Pluto doing in his chart? Well, they’re in a softer sextile, Mars in Gemini and Pluto in Leo. But Mars is conjunct Mercury in the 8th and trine Neptune in Libra in his 12th. He famously suggested that he was under the influence of a demon dog while at the time of the murders, feeling compelled to carry out these terrible acts because of this voice in his head. This is the seamless conversation of Mars (aggression) Mercury (your mental processing) and Neptune. He made up a fantastical lie, probably to be declared mentally incompetent. The 8th and 12th houses are also a fitting arena for stories of demons, possession, killing and other otherworldly phenomena. Berkowitz enjoyed the publicity he got from his crimes, perfect for an 8th house Gemini stellium and for a Leo MC. He also enjoyed writing letters to the police, taunting them. Gemini loves a cat and mouse game. Sadly, this was a disgusting one. He mostly victimized women, perhaps owing to a fallen Venus in Aries opposite his ascendant, Neptune and Saturn. This is also the 3rd serial killer in a row to have Moon square Venus, an infelt tension between his emotional gratification and the principle of femininity.

Cancer: Genene Jones, born 7/13/1950. Killed 2. A suspected 60 others. Method: poison. No birth time. Jones was a nurse in the pediatric unit of a hospital. And so yes, all of her victims were infants and children, fitting for a Cancer Sun. She also had her Moon, Mercury and Uranus in Cancer, with Uranus in a tight conjunction to her Moon. This goes without saying by now but pretty erratic emotional nature. Mars was conj Neptune in beauty-loving Libra, and Jones worked for a time as a beautician before becoming a nurse. This combination later ended up producing a woman who murdered (Mars) but injecting lethal amounts of drugs (Neptune) into her patients.

Leo: Luka Magnotta, born 7/24/1982. Killed 1 human, several animals. Method: suffocation, decapitation, severing and stabbing. No birth time. Subject of the new Netflix docu-series: Don’t Fuck With Cats: Hunting An Internet Killer. Magnotta had Sun conjunct Mercury in attention-seeking Leo. He tried out for many reality shows, was a porn actor, and portrayed his life online as a jet-setting model and socialite. He had several fan pages on Facebook, with almost all the comments praising how beautiful he was. It later surfaced that he created all these fan pages, wrote all the comments, and doctored images with his face on other people’s bodies to give the illusion of a glamourous life (His Sun-Mercury conjunction is square boastful Jupiter). His Moon was in shy, calculated and sometimes cold Virgo, square Neptune, embedding within his emotional life a perverse kind of dreaming and wanting. His emotional nature was at odds with his Leo Sun, setting the ground for a person who needed to find attention in a less obvious way. Oh and yes, here he had a Mars-Pluto-Saturn conjunction in relationship oriented Libra, sextile his Neptune in Sagittarius. Mars and Pluto square his Sun—a magnetic, forceful, lustful, and aggressive personality, an ego bent on control and perverse desire. All 3 malefics in Libra show that relationships would never be easy for him, owing also to his Virgo Moon, which can view emotional satisfaction as a struggle. Magnotta uploaded videos on YouTube of him murdering kittens, never showing his face (Virgo). This is how he ended up filling the dark desire of his Leo Sun: he got A LOT of attention. Later on, he also uploaded a video of him killing a Chinese man studying abroad in Canada. He had Uranus trine his Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo. That he used the Internet to display the attention-seeking needs of his Leo Sun is no surprise.

Virgo: Paul Bernardo, born 8/27/1964. Killed 4. Raped 13. Bernardo was known as The School Girl Killer which off the bat is an eerie coincidence for a Virgo Sun and Rising. If there is anything that conjures up the innocence and purity known (kind of stereotypically) for Virgo, it is the archetype of the school-girl. He has Mars exactly conjunct Venus in Cancer, and trine Neptune in Scorpio. His first rape was against his sister in law and aided by his wife. So, grossly, it was a family affair, the domain of Cancer. Neptune brought in the element of drugs and alcohol—Bernardo drugged his wife’s (Karla) little sister with rum and sleeping pills, and took advantage of her when she passed out. Mars conjunct Venus can indicate violence against women. But strangely, in Bernardo’s case, it also represented that he carried out many of his crimes with his wife by his side. This theme continued—where Karla would bait the victim and drug them, and Bernardo would assault them. Bernardo’s Mercury, Pluto and Uranus were involved in a tight conjunction in Virgo in the 1st, opposite Saturn in Pisces in his 7th. His identity to the world and within relationships was wrought with control, obsession, restriction, and darkness. He frequently boasted about his sexual prowess, experience and preferences—a signpost of compulsive Pluto defining the personality from the 1st. His wife Karla (Taurus) had the same Mars conjunct Venus aspect in her chart and Pluto conjunct Bernardo’s ascendant, fueling his sexual appetite. Bernardo’s Mars conjunct Venus fell in Karla’s 7th house of relationship. They also both had Moon in Aries conjunct, solidifying the sordid theme of Mars in both of their charts. This is the story of a fated relationship intertwined with the ominous themes of death, sexual gratification and predation.

Libra: Angelo Buono, born 10/5/1934. Killed: 9. Raped: 1. Method: strangulation. Buono and his cousin Kenneth Biachi were known as the Hillside Stranglers. They’d pretend to be police officers to lure young women into their car, and would subsequently torture, rape and kill them. While committing these atrocities, Buono’s cousin was actually in the process of applying to be part of the LAPD. Gross. But back to Buono—there are several troubling things to note. He had Neptune conjunct his Virgo ascendant in an applying square to his Gemini midheaven. That he played pretend in order to carry out his crimes fits this planetary narrative, not to mention that Gemini can be a dubious trickster and so let’s introduce ruler of his ascendant and midheaven: Mercury. Jester of the solar system. Mercury was placed in Scorpio in his 3rd house and opposite Uranus. Deceptive communication, unwieldy and dark behaviors all placed in the arena of immediate community (also: cousins are a 3rd house theme). It is also sad to note that Buono would “experiment” with different ways to kill and torture young women. And such is the dark nature of mad scientist Uranus. Among those methods were lethal-injection (Neptune), electric shock (Uranus), and carbon monoxide poisoning (Neptune). Name a more terrifying duo. His Uranus was also in an applying trine to his Neptune. Buono was self-proclaimed “ladies man”, with Venus, Sun and Jupiter in Libra. Jupiter is clearly where we can boast, Venus where we want to feel valued, and the Sun there added a disproportionate amount of spotlight on what would fuel sordid acts. His Jupiter in Libra squared his Pluto in Cancer, a trigger point for exaggerated violence against women. Pluto was the apex of an out-of-sign T-square. Relief from inner-felt tension could only find catharsis through Plutonian behavior. The most apropos signature in his chart, to me, is his Mars in Leo in the 12th opposite Saturn in Aquarius in the 6th. Tense aspects between Mars and Saturn can make one ripe for aggressive or violent behavior, a person who can act out on rage (Mars) and then meticulously reals it in and plans the next event (Saturn). Buono’s chosen method of seduction via pretending to be a police-officer is a Saturn in the 6th theme: service and duty to the community. Only here, there was a hidden motive (Mars in the 12th) that ultimately led him to commit terrible acts.

Scorpio: We’re skipping Charles Manson, ok? Instead: Nannie Doss, born 11/4/1905. (We need more women represented here, amirite?) Killed: 11. Method: Poison. Doss was known as the “Lonely Hearts Killer” and called herself a “self-made widow”. Big Scorpio Energy. But she was also known as the “Giggling Granny” and “Giggling Nanny”. Two juxtaposed archetypes that can be seen in her chart. She does not have a birth time, so here I will dive into planetary conditions and archetypes and leave out the houses. There can still be rich information without a verified time of birth. Doss has an aspect that is dime-a-dozen in the charts of people who commit atrocious acts: Saturn in hard aspect to the Moon, and here they were conjunct in Aquarius. Saturn is a deadening agent when it comes to emotion, and Doss reportedly suffered from depression. She also had an extremely controlling father (Saturn) that forbade her from wearing nice clothing, make up and from going to social events. Instead, he forced Doss and her siblings to work on their farm, even preventing them from going to school (Saturn also squares Doss’s Mercury, the planet responsible for learning). In her childhood, likely because her real life was so restricted, Doss became obsessed with romance magazines and disappeared into daydreams about her own future love-life: Venus in romantic Libra square Neptune in Cancer, Sun in obsessive Scorpio trine Neptune in Cancer—signposts of delusional ideas of love, escapism, and an ever-elusive state of stability for her ego. Married at 16, Doss fell into alcohol and nicotine addiction to cope with her unsatisfactory relationship. The Neptune signatures mentioned above can cause one to go overboard with numbing substances, but Doss also had Mars opposite Neptune. Her actions were governed, in part, by Neptune. Poison is the domain of Neptune, and Doss admitted to killing several family members and her four husbands via deadly tinctures like rat poison and arsenic. As mentioned in part one, Scorpio-like killings tend to be passive versus overt. Why was family her primary target? Neptune in Cancer encouraged the deeds to be taken out on family (in one instance, she poisoned a sweet potato pie and fed it to her then-husband). Despite her horrific actions, Doss had a certain charm distinguished by her Venus trine Moon signature. She continued to find various lovers through her participation in dating services. She was said to have a habit of laughing and giggling while on trial describing her murders. In prison, she was also said to have remained “cheerful”, making jokes about her case. Even before sentencing, she responded in jest to reporters questioning her about the various murder allegations and enjoyed the press. Jupiter in Gemini (news) formed an out-of-sign opposition with her Mercury, perhaps allowing for a larger-than-life outlook and optimism despite her circumstances. Owing also to a strong Neptune, she never quite grasped the gravity of her actions. Lastly, Venus was involved in a tense square with Mars (intermarital violence, domestic aggression) and a trine with Pluto, giving her a loving nature that was combative, controlling, and dangerous. Her first husband called her “frightening,” and fled abruptly after the suspicious deaths of their two children due to “food poisoning”.

Sagittarius: Dennis Nilsen. Born 11/23/1945. Killed: 12-15. Method: strangulation, drowning. Nilsen had a massive conjunction between Moon, Pluto, Mars, Saturn and MC. All three malefices bearing down on his emotional core (Moon) created a dark and twisted individual. He lured young homosexual men with high-risk lifestyles back to his home in exchange for shelter or alcohol. It goes without saying that Neptune is involved—sextiling his Mars-Pluto conjunction. I’ll stop here to say that the sextile, known as the “lesser” trine, is an aspect of ease that, when taken advantage of consciously, presents tremendous opportunity. Nilsen took advantage of this by employing “guile” to lure and seduce his victims. It also helped that he had Jupiter tightly conjunct his Libra ascendant, fueling an image of congeniality, care, and warmth that his sometimes homeless and otherwise downtrodden victims found comforting. As a child, Nilsen was an excellent student. He enlisted in the armed services, and enjoyed his time travelling—an apt intellectual and cultural appetite for a Sagittarius Sun and Mercury in the 3rd. Nilsen noticed his homosexual desires first as a child, and then in the British Army, began trying to enact those desires, albeit shyly. He drank to excess (Jupiter), both to override his shyness and in the hopes that a fellow cadet would take advantage of his stupored state. But generally, Nilsen went to great lengths to suppress his sexuality, even refusing to shower with his fellow soldiers. Nilsen had Venus in Scorpio square a retrograde Pluto in Leo, an aspect that can repress sexual desires, or even pervert them. The perversion here is NOT homosexuality, but the necrophilia that ensued, a manifestation of his sexual attraction to unconscious men. Venus in hard aspect to Pluto can certainly bring in the element of death, even in a literal way. But it also adds in the complete need for control over others, and easier to do so if they are unconscious or aren’t even alive. He described this time of his life as starting down “the avenue of death and possession.” Nilsen’s Moon was in trine to his Venus, adding an insatiable emotional component to his murders. His Venus in Scorpio was also the ruler of his 8th house, Taurus, perhaps accounting with the obsession with death. His Moon in Cancer also places an emphasis on the mom: when his grandfather passed away, Nilsen, a child at the time, recalled his mother encouraging him to see the dead body as it laid in wake. This sowed the seed for what would later become necrophilia. As time progressed, Nilsen would come to resent his mother’s attention on his siblings, a rejection that would later turn his desire to be with other men into an obsession—he needed them “at all costs” and “whether [they] wanted to or not.” His Moon was squared by Jupiter, over-exaggerating the initial insecurity and the subsequent aberrations. The Cancer moon can also explain why he lured and buried all of his victims at his home.

Capricorn: William Bonin, born 1/8/1947. Killed: 21-36+. Method: torture, blunt force trauma, stabbing, strangulation. Bonin has eerily similar placements to our Sagittarius entry above. His Moon was also conjunct Saturn and Pluto, but his Mars was forming an opposition to this trio from the bottom of his chart. His Mars, in Capricorn in the 4th, was also involved in a tight conjunction to his Sun. Bonin’s father was an abusive drunk. The archetype of Mars, violence, and the Sun, father, is apparent here. Mars is also particularly strong in Capricorn, but here ended up exacerbating on the worst of Capricorn archetypes: restriction, isolation, and sheer discipline. Bonin’s father neglected him and his siblings, forcing them to rely on the kindness of strangers for food and clothes. In an attempt to protect her children from her husband, Bonin’s mother sent he and his siblings to an orphanage known for its backwards punishments for break of conduct. There, Bonin was subject to beatings, stress positions, partial drowning, bondage, and sexual abuse. This is the darkest of the dark for Saturn. Bonin fought in Vietnam, the carnage he saw there inuring him to human suffering, later remarking that human life is “overvalued.” His Saturn, Pluto and Moon conjunction played out in his 11th house of humanity at large, and his Mars squared his ascendant, amplifying the stress of fighting and combat (first seen at home, then seen in war). Mars exalted, conjunct the Sun in the 4th, the seat of the soul in a chart, and in aspect to the ascendant, made Mars the strongest player in his life. It ruled his 7th house of Aries, further amplifying the potential for violence against others and with others. Bonin would drive around in an olive van and look for hitchhikers, schoolboys, and male prostitutes. He overpowered and restrained them, taking atrocities once enacted against him and doing them to others. He also removed all the door handles from the inside of his van. His Venus was in the 3rd house in Sagittarius, bringing in themes of short-distance travel, highways, roads, and early schooling. Venus in a Jupiter-ruled sign can be unwieldy, with an insatiable appetite for what it wants, especially so since it was also trine his Leo Moon. In one instance, Bonin committed a murder and was “horny” to commit another one just five minutes after discarding the body. He later said that he was “excited” when looking for victims, with the violence escalating in order sustain his “euphoria,” much like increasing the dose of a drug one has built a tolerance for. His Jupiter was in Scorpio in the 2nd, making a great case for the expansion of dark, sexual acts as it relates to one’s physical sustenance and pleasure. He also had Neptune conjunct his ascendant in an applying square to his Mars and Sun, making his personality one that needed to feel high, that needed to escape, and/or needed to numb. In addition to strangulation and blunt force trauma, Bonin also toyed with chemicals like hydrochloric acid, rounding out the Neptunian narrative at work. Bonin died via lethal injection, a final goodbye from Neptune.

Aquarius: Robert Hansen, born 2/15/1939. Killed: 17-21+. Method: stabbing, various. I want to jump right into the most stunningly symbolic astrological occurrence I’ve encountered while writing these. Hansen had his Mars in Sagittarius, and while behaviorally this can manifest as someone who behaves without any limit (Mars in a Jupiter sign can go beyond any established parameter, which can manifest darkly) as most serial murders tend to do, it also happens to explain Hansen’s interest in…archery. Sagittarius is the archer, and its glyph is the arrow. Hansen escaped into archery and hunting to avoid his domineering father. He was skinny, shy, riddled with acne and icepick scars, and shunned by the opposite sex. As a result, he harbored violent fantasies of revenge on them. Hansen had Moon conjunct Venus in Capricorn. Here, the Moon is in detriment, struggling to realize emotions healthfully. With a conjunction to Venus, there was a deep emotional need to bond through relationship with women, but this desire was stifled by Saturnian energy (notoriously late blooming, awkward). Saturn also squared his Venus and Moon from the sign of its detriment—Aries. Saturn placing restriction on the self-assured sign of Aries can make one particularly shy in expression, and here, it also aggravated the loneliness of his Venus-Moon combo. When the yin nature of one is repressed, out comes the yang. Hansen enacted his Mars in Sagittarius by hunting young women with a knife or rifle in the wilderness of Alaska. His Mars was squared by Jupiter in Pisces, exacerbating the excess of his martial desires. Saturn in trine to Mars in explosive fire signs, Hansen’s criminal records started with him burning down a school bus garage. In prison, he was diagnosed as bipolar. The depression perhaps owed to Saturn square Moon, and the mania perhaps owed to his Jupiter-Mars square in mutable signs. The psychiatrist who made the diagnoses observed Hansen as being hellbent on “revenge” for those who even slightly wronged him and with an “infantile personality” to boot. Hansen’s Aquarius Sun was involved in a stressful quincunx with Pluto, an aspect that can make one extremely suspectable to obsession, power plays, self-hatred, and crime. The power he felt (or needed to feel) with Pluto was not recognized or accepted by his Sun, his core ego, and thus Hansen may have went above and beyond to try and integrate these stressors more harmoniously, and seemed to have done so using violence. Thus, his infantile, unintegrated Sun shone through in some situations, and his brooding and violent Pluto in others. I also opine that since his Sun (and Mercury) were ruled by a debilitated Saturn in sometimes rash and selfish Aries (trined by a sometimes rash and selfish Mars in Sag), that Hansen had no reliable structure on which on build a more mature persona.

Pisces: Aileen Wuornos, born 2/29/1959. Killed 7. Method: shooting. Wuornos became a prostitute at a fairly young age, having been repeatedly sexually assaulted and then thrown out of her home for getting pregnant. With a Venus in detriment in Aries, prostitution fits, as it is a self-sustaining way to make money and seemingly be in control of your sexual agency. Opposite her Moon in Libra, though, prostitution always came at the expense of Wuornos’s well-being, as we might expect. Her Venus was ruled by an exalted Mars at 0 Capricorn, and not surprisingly, all of her victims were men. Venus in a Mars sign is deeply uncomfortable, and brings about an air of violence and anger to ones love life and sense of femininity. Wuornos was certainly besieged by anger issues, lashing out on men as a way to cope with a tremendous amount of sexual trauma. Wuornos would claim she only killed in self-defense, but this story would wax and wane throughout the years, with Wuornos recanting her testimony and then recommitting to it many times over. Her Libra Moon was tightly conjunct Neptune, so lies, the inability to get her story straight, and general disillusionment were all embedded into her emotional nature. At its extreme, Neptune can create so much delusion as to render one completely psychotic—out of touch with reality, out of touch with human nature. Wuornos scored a 32 out of 40 on a psychopathy checklist, with a score of 25 or above indicating severely aberrative psychopathy. Neptune here also saw Wuornos descend into alcoholism, having been pulled over for DUIs several times, and with several of her brawls taking place inside of bars. Her anger was worsened by Pluto, which was in trine with her Mars. This is a person obsessed (Pluto) with getting their way (Mars), and can truly produce a ceaseless ambition that sometimes manifests horribly. She had a cold (and, admittedly, deeply intelligent) Mercury in Aquarius forming an opposition to her Pluto and Jupiter, creating a conversation and confrontation style that was forceful and debaucherously loud (she was arrested often for disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace.) While working on a documentary of her life, director Nick Bloomfield recalled she would “get into a screaming black temper” yet, when not in an extreme mood, had an “incredible humanity to her.” Such is the Pisces Sun, a benevolence and care always latent, no matter how obfuscated. This Sun was square Saturn, producing a person with insecurity and fears, one that never feels quite good enough. Having the two father figures of the chart in tense aspect is also symbolic of her relationship to her father and grandfather—the former a child rapist who committed suicide in prison, and the latter a caretaker who beat her, sexually assaulted her, and allowed her to be raped by a friend. Wuornos’s Venus and Moon were involved in a T-square with Uranus as the apex. That her anger boiled over into erratic, random and sloppy crimes that only spanned one year (far less than the normal sequence killer) was unfortunate cosmic sentence. In the end, Wuornos did not bemoan her death sentence: “I’m okay, I’m okay. God is going to be there. Jesus Christ is going to be there, all the angels and everything.” She thought the afterlife would be good and like Star Trek, that she’d be beamed up. As haunting as her crimes and life were, her ability to hold on to a sense of hope and transcendence is characteristic of her Piscean nature.

Unrelated, but here is Wuornos’s final interview, a day before she would be killed. In her affect, you can see the blending of all the planetary positions in her chart. And if you scroll down to the comments, many were in awe of her composure (Moon in Libra), intelligence (Mercury in Aquarius) and felt sorry for her. A Pisces martyr or monster? Who’s to say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFBcjII3QAE

(In the video, she also weirdly predicted the current crisis and growing tension we have with Iran.)

Thanks for reading this, and for all the positive feedback on my first part a couple of weeks ago. I’m done talking about murderers for now, but do believe that their charts offer striking insight into the accuracy and patterning of Astrology, as heinous things are often easier to isolate and examine than the benign goings-on of normal life.

Be well. And don’t kill people.