Megan Thee Stallion: The Case for a Sagittarius Rising

There is no birth time for Megan. These are my musings on why she may be a Sagittarius Rising with Jupiter in the 1st house.

(Megan Thee Stallion is a newly famous hip hop artist, for those definite few who are furrowing their brows).

Let’s get the easiest and most coincidental parts out of the way. Sagittarius rules the thighs, buttocks and hips, and with Jupiter as an expansive energy, we get Megan’s impressively contoured and voluptuous frame as well as her endless stamina while dancing. Many have remarked jokingly about Megan’s strong knees, which could also be owed to the rays of her Venus in Capricorn, casting benefic and beautifying energy over bone structure, both visually and physiologically. Venus would be placed in her 2nd house, which can indicate how one earns income. For Megan, that income is due, in part, to her beauty. Megan stands tall at 5’10, her shapely legs the perfect confluence of fleshly Sagittarius and elegant Capricorn. She earned the nickname stallion while in school because of her beauty and height. So here we have a wonderful cosmic coincidence. Sagittarius is the centaur, a half human, half horse creature. And so it is with Megan, metaphorically anyway. Megan also has some trademarks of a Sagittarius Rising, like gorgeous manes of ever-changing hair (think of a horse mane, think of mutability, and Oprah--Leo isn't the only ASC that grants luscious locks) an elongated face, and a toothy smile (think AOC and Kim Kardashian).

A Sagittarius Rising also explains her massive rise to fame over the last year: she was having her Jupiter Return. In the first house, this grants potential expansion to your identity in the world. She had already been working on music and her Jupiter Return exploded it, granting fame and success. A similar thing happened to Cardi B when she had her Jupiter Return in Libra. Megan’s Jupiter squares her Saturn in Pisces, an aspect of giving scope and vision to the hard work you do on a daily basis. When transit Jupiter set off this natal square, it expanded on the promise of this configuration, and gifted Megan with the rewards of discipline.

Megan is highly Saturnian, by the way, with 5 plants in Saturn-ruled signs including her Aquarius Sun and RX Mercury. It explains her incredible work ethic and focus on things that actually matter: she still regularly attends college classes while on tour, and encourages her fans to be environmentally friendly (her inaugural beach clean-up kicked off in June). She is vocal about remediating and reversing climate change through small, everyday actions, and encourages her fans to be “eco-friendly hotties”. Big Aquarius Energy. A Sagittarius Rising places Aquarius in her 3rd house. Organizing a community clean up at the Santa Monica pier is a fitting 3rd house activity and so is her continual pride in her hometown of Houston (“I’m going to always have a home in Houston, I’m going to always come back”). Her lyrical acumen and ability to take online and in-person college courses while balancing fame and travel is also the domain of the 3rd: communication, education, and short-distance travel. Megan has a Leo Moon and Mars, and a Sagittarius Rising places these planets in her 9th house, deepening the importance of education for her. Megan remarked on Access Hollywood that she has “always” wanted a bachelor’s degree, and she was not going to let music get in the way of her education. That’s the fixed determination of Leo and Aquarius!

A Sagittarius Rising places Saturn in her 4th house in Pisces. She was inspired to become a rapper because her mother was one as well, often taking Megan to recording sessions with her instead of paying for daycare or a babysitter. Her mother encouraged her to stay in school and emphasized the importance of education so she’d have something to fall back on. This is a beautiful illustration of Saturn energy emanating from the house of home, upbringing, and the parents. With Pisces, Megan was creatively inspired by her mother. But with Saturn, there was structure, practicality, and delay—Megan’s mother only allowed her to pursue music after turning 21. And after she did, her mother became her manager. Megan entered the studio “under the tutelage” of her mom. Big Saturn Energy.

On March 22nd of this year, Megan’s mother passed away at the age of 48. She succumbed to a cancerous brain tumor. At the time of her passing, Neptune was conjunct Megan’s Saturn, and transit Mars was closing in on an opposition to Megan’s Pluto, a square to her Moon and a square to her Mars. The South Node was also exactly conjunct her natal Neptune. This paints a compelling picture of losing the sole source of your inspiration and the dissolving of a structure you once knew. Megan’s mother was a Taurus, placing her Sun in Megan’s 6th house and filling the empty leg of Megan’s T-square. Megan cites her mother’s illness as why she is pursuing health administration, a fitting career for a 6th house overlay. As a full moon baby, Megan was destined for stardom of some sort, but always at the expense of her inner life. When the Sun opposes the Moon, the will and pursuits of the ego come at the expense of your emotional security, and of that security, the mother factors in heavily. That Megan lost her mom as her career was taking off is one tragic rendering of this configuration. It is also profound to note that Megan’s mother died under a full moon as well. A cosmic culmination of a promise fulfilled.

Megan dreams of using her education to open an elderly care facility in her hometown of Houston. With Virgo as her 10th house co-present Chiron (wounding), it is equally fitting that she wishes to be of service to others, stemming in some way from her own pain (the death of her mom, and watching her grandmother take care of her ailing great-grandmother). Megan has a NN in Scorpio, which would be placed in the 12th house, ruling health facilities, care-taking, and endings/death. She stated that while music will probably never enable her to go to medical school as she had planned, that she still wants to “run [a] hospital. I don’t want to do the dirty work, but I definitely want to put it there for people to come and help others.” Here is yet another beautiful illustration of Megan’s humanitarian pursuits, in combination with her dutiful Virgo 10th house, and a fearless Scorpio oriented path. Musically, she also develops her NN in Scorpio. She is extremely unapologetic about her sexuality and sexual satisfaction.

Lastly and most importantly, Megan inspires confidence in women. That is the beauty of Jupiter’s hope and optimism. You’ll recognize it, too, in Lizzo, who has Jupiter conjunct her Sun. And Jonathan Van Ness, who also has Jupiter conjunct his Sun. Jupiterian people give us confidence, the warm and fuzzies, and the affirmation that who we are is fucking enough. The brainchild of the Hot Girl Summer remarked that being a Hot Girl is all about “being carefree and confident, the life of the party, and unapologetically” yourself. Now those are things a rising Jupiter in Sagittarius can get behind!

Meg's cool. Hope you enjoyed