12th house

You Are Not Doomed: Reframing the 8th House and 12th House

You Are Not Doomed: Reframing the 8th House and 12th House

Upon first learning Astrology years ago, somewhat casually, I noticed that much of the narrative around the 8th and 12th houses was negative—they were dark and scary houses, destinations one mostly wants to rush through or avoid altogether. But my life experiences never seemed to match the depths of despair that these houses purportedly drag you into (at least, not yet). Dear reader, I am not here to subvert the nasties hanging out in these houses. I am not here to convince you that the 8th house can be fun or that the 12th house is a walk in the proverbial park. The 8th forms a square to the fun-loving 5th, and the 12th doesn’t even see it (aversion). As a Capricorn 8th house stellium owner, and a Taurus 12th house Moon dweller, I owe it to you and to myself to be down to Earth or realistic around the energies of these houses.