Jupiter Conjunct Pluto Through the Houses

This configuration is all about how you define personal success. Jupiter is where we expand, where we go to develop ourselves along the lines of faith, spirituality, philosophy and other facets of the high mind. Jupiter aligns us with our personal brand of luck and opportunity, and the mindsets that make it possible. Jupiter shows talents that manifest with ease. Pluto is the principle of power, of urge, of obsession. It is the energy of digging in, unraveling, of going to the edge, looking over it, and laughing. After all is said and done, the Plutonian plunge acquaints us with personal power. Not in the brute and obvious way, not like Mars. This is a silent and soulful power.

 When Jupiter and Pluto conjoin, we get breadth and depth. Sometimes in devastating ways. Like the spread of COVID-19 and the Spanish Flu (Pluto representing virus and germs—microscopic death. Jupiter representing spread, travel, and proportion). But in our charts, Jupiter conjunct Pluto can tell a personal story as well. Pluto has been grinding away in Capricorn and the house that contains Capricorn for a long while. Its changes are subtle and far reaching. But the introduction of Jupiter, known as a trans-personal planet, may have made aware to you some of underlying motivations you have for achievement. The drive for power is strong. Jupiter may have made you aware of the power you lack, want, have, etc.— and those realizations can shape your actions and tinker your compass moving forward.  It all goes back to that definition of personal success. For some, it is money, power, and fame—an obsession with worldly status that is apropos for Capricorn. Any way to get a leg up, even if it breaks others’ legs. For others, productive avenues of power—like wanting for due recognition, respect, and betterment—can take hold. Power becoming empowered. A success that maybe only you see or know. Perhaps a combination of all the above.


Jupiter came to conjunct Pluto two times this year already and will make a third conjunction tomorrow. April 5th, June 30th, November 12th. These days coincide with a beginning, middle, and end to the Jupiter-Pluto narrative. Of course, not in any tidy way. But those three dates are helpful ballparks for events that show the fingerprint of Jupiter and Pluto’s energy for you. Below are brief descriptors/themes regarding the transformation and opportunities that may have befallen you or will.  


Aside from knowing which house these conjunctions are in for you, it is also helpful to keep in mind which houses Jupiter rules for you to further contextualize internal or external events. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces.


1st house: These conjunctions brought to the forefront your very identity in the world, how your personality, affect, and interactions could use more punch, power, and flair. Scaffoldings that forced you to play small have crumbled, and it may not have felt great. You have experienced loss, death, and hardship in literal and figurative ways. You have been reborn to yourself this year, in ways that empower you to play big and take up space. To rise to the occasion of life. Your physical body, with all its pains and warts, perceived or real, have forced you to realize you are more than flesh and bone. You are the energy that animates it.

2nd house: These conjunctions had you reckon with your value systems. In the most literal way, income, material resources, the balancing of assets versus liabilities became throughways for financial power and freedom. When your security is ensured, life opens up, opportunities can be capitalized off of, and monetized. Your material life can empower you to take on life in a safe way. The imbalance of such things, the mismanagement of them, causes disempowerment. Scarcity mindset. The ravenous need to keep up with the Joneses. So, too, have intangible forms of value crept to the surface this year. Where you give too much, take too much. Where you are depleted or substantiated. You have been drained and devalued in devastating ways, with the lesson being intentional procurement of the things that truly fill you up. And the pruning of things that do not.


3rd house: These conjunctions worked hard on your mindsets, your communication, your comings and goings in the community, and the actors you share that stage with. Opportunities to share your ideas and take full advantage of your mental abilities seemed to be been co-present news, information, and perceptions that were disturbing and uncomfortable. It is only in fully cultivating every corner of your mind, even the dark and dusted places, the scary places, that you come into profound understanding of yourself and your voice. Saying the things that need to be said, adhering to ruthless honesty, and exploring complexities will galvanize life in a direction that speaks your truth to power.


4th house: These conjunctions felt like the Earth was reorganizing itself beneath your feet. The places where you root yourself—in homes, in traditions, in family—were subject to quakes and quivers. This is the midnight house, the most private, the seat of our soul. You have been reset. Psychological and soul stirrings seemed to have accompanied the changing of the guards in your life. You moved and were moved. Familial tapestries perhaps felt outgrown or were grown upon. Places and people of comfort became uncomfortable. In sorting through the structures that broke down, and also the ones left upstanding in the wreckage, you can piece together the foundations worthy of your continued growth. And can trust they can hold the weight.


5th house: These conjunctions played on your creative contributions, and how they serve your character. We create in all types of ways: through art, through children, through romance, through play. Anywhere where we create evidence of our life. Though, do these pleasures consume you or emancipate you? There have been opportunities to exercise your imagination and the personal power it gives you. In your quest to project creative confidence and authority in your offerings, resistance from others or from an outgrown need to shrink have compelled you forward. Keep in mind the difference between power and empower—is what you do uplifting or is your motive to exert importance? Your capabilities are profound and evergreen when you let them flow and let them go.


6th house: These conjunctions have retooled your service, routines and health. The need for a job well done, to perform duty and responsibility in ways that compel recognition may have eaten you up, exhausted you. To be a background player in the results you help to create may have moved you into spaces where your ethic, problem-solving and service are valued and rewarded, or into mindsets that produce movement in that direction. Offers and opportunities for upward mobility (relatively) have presented themselves, yet so has the excruciating desire to find work that…works for you. The systems you have in place that feed your body have been magnified and tested—for better or worse. A sound body, an enriching lifestyle, and a set of habits that uplift the upward movement are sources of meaning. And in turn, it creates a meaningful life.


7th house: These conjunctions have brought a surplus of movement and opportunities in your one on one relationships. Yet, the people we let in close have the power to significantly alter us, move us into pain, move us into rapture, and move us into objective understanding of ourselves, our roles. This is hard and visceral work. You desire to be on good terms with all your counterparts, romantic, platonic and professional. But you can keep bumping up against what feels like shadow work, power plays, and a reverberating examination of true motive. After all is said and done, these foils to your main character show you more about yourself, move you into alignment with the dynamic and complex offerings of others, and ultimately, harness compromise and understanding as a life tool. This peace is your power. As is the ability to stand alone where company disappoints and dissolves.


8th house: These conjunctions have turned your mind inward with a close examination of your human condition, and the human condition in general. There is a profound gift in being able to face your fears, traumas and pain, in forcing sunlight into your broken places. Flaws build character build a richly lived life. Wabi Sabi. Your dealings with others have felt karmic and moving on a soul level, most of the lessons touching a sensitive nerve you never knew was exposed. You have been given opportunities to share of yourself, to reckon with how you are indebted, to look at how you manage assets and forces that are behemoth. Resources have flowed. This energy has introduced to you your own strength and weaknesses. To be softened, to surrender, to give up, to cry out for help—these are all fast tracks to a spiritual understanding life. Your power is in the expansion of consciousness.


9th house: These conjunctions have erected plot twists into your hero’s journey. Your faith in life is outsized yet seems to constantly bump up against forces that challenge it and seek to demolish it. And perhaps demolition has occurred, forcing you to rebuild with freshened perspective, with more grit and experience. Your appetite for adventure, for experience, for education, for sampling all that life has to offer has increased. Your higher mind is the gateway for true power. In confronting the big Why’s of life, you have been met by doubt, loss, and setbacks—but so, too, have those things clarified your answer. A high concept, a quest for information that is inherently subjective and spiritual moves you into a more holistic interpretation of the story unfolding for you. You’re writing the interpretation as the narrative unfolds.


10th house: These conjunctions for you have perhaps been the most deeply felt and transformative. Power playing out in a status-defining house. Your prominence and star turn on the world stage has been met with applause, with increased visibility, and with a hunger to get more, do more, and be more. Confidence is a natural byproduct of this transit, but ambition is a double-edged sword. Increased responsibility is a signpost of success, but mismanagement of that power can be devastating. Even the small ways you have sought to exert influence or be in control could be damaging to the humanity you carry. You don’t always have to be achieving, setting goals, or winning to be important. More so than any other house, how you determine your personal success weighs heavily. Will it ring hollow but win trophies? Or can it allow for meaning, rest, and reflection as well?


11th house: These conjunctions have expanded upon your desire to stand out from the groups you belong to and use them to further a goal. Because of that, your social networks may have dwindled dramatically, or else your perception of the players that actually matter has sharpened. The people you place around you during this time have real potential to move you forward, and to do that, you may have faced the loss of longstanding friendships and other social fixtures that no longer serve. Your specific drive to move, shape, and change humanity using your gifts has come into focus, as have the unique, perplex and saddening societal structures to battle along the way. You empower yourself through the people you choose to share this dream with. They must be mission critical.


12th house: These conjunctions have sensitized you, made you tender, made you receptive to your disowned needs, and the needs of others around you. The compassion and empathy this house offers are usually through a fraternity of pain and suffering. You feel kinship with those who have felt in similarly hard ways, or else have grown into a personal fraternity of self by allowing your pain to have a seat at the table. The way you relate with and understand others is profound though probably informed by your own losses. Events that force your self-sabotaging and victimized ways to the surface have been plentiful, yet a spiritual understanding and compassion for these drives often lurked and offered transcendence. Your power is in forgetting yourself and in separating from a bruised ego by diving into subconscious and soupy states. Letting the Universe move you instead of having to control everything yourself. The information may feel vague but holds value. Alone time, literally or not, sets the stage for rebirth, like how a cold and barren winter always foretells of a brighter spring.