
Reframing The Trine: Don’t Believe The Hype

Reframing The Trine: Don’t Believe The Hype

This may be welcome news for some of you and potentially unwelcome news for others. But only if you subscribe to the “trines = goodWOWawesome” version of astrological reality.


Yes, trines represent planetary interactions that feel second nature, that are well integrated and run smoothly. They run so smoothly that they can operate in the background of our awareness. That’s why they produce talents or success— we don’t have to try. The goodies are just *there.*


But what if that background processing has been compromised? What if malware has inconspicuously started running the show?

The Relationships Between all 12 Houses: Sextile, Square, Trine, Opposition

The Relationships Between all 12 Houses: Sextile, Square, Trine, Opposition

You know about the aspects between planets. Let’s dive into the natural “aspects” or relationships between the houses—how some areas of life are supportive of or flow with other areas of life. And how some areas of life pose challenges to developing other areas of life. This can be a great foundation when looking at any chart—to know how the houses interact with one another, how the signs color that interaction, and how the planets add their agenda to that interaction.

On the Differences Between the 8th and 12th houses

On the Differences Between the 8th and 12th houses

I find that these houses are often grouped together within the context of planetary interpretation. Though, there are nuanced differences between them. They are talked about in such strong tandem that the 8th and 12th house appear to offer us the same things: hardship, challenge, spirituality, meditation, death, loss, the occult. All things immaterial, woo-woo, psychic or magical. The 8th and 12th trine one another, but then so does the 4th, yet the 4th is largely left out of the conversation. More on that another day (sorry 4th). Below is what I find to be the difference between the 8th and the 12th, both as a personal holder of planets here, and from client work.