Venus Retrograde Through the Houses: What You Can Expect.

Venus retrograde corresponds to general themes such as: relationship reviews, rewinds, renewals and reversals--evaluating how you relate to your own self-worth and esteem--retooling what you actually value/need--budgeting, getting serious about finances--hiccups with beauty related tools, industries, purchases and decisions.

But Venus RX means more when you account for the house it will be drudging stuff up in. My general take on Venus RX is: detouring into the ugly and resurfacing with a new appreciation of beauty. Kind of like the plot of Shrek. Where are the ogres in your life? And can you just decide to marry them and live happily ever after in a swamp with your donkey dragon friends? I digress...

This RX will be decidedly less brutal than the 2018 one in Scorpio. Those were some dire, uggo times. Venus in Gemini is peregrine, and to me, far more effervescent. Like a La Croix. Some gross flavors. But mostly ok. The reviews and themes will have more to do with ideas, thoughts, beliefs, etc. Very much juggling many dissonant thoughts and being okay with not settling on a conclusion. This will be a mentally exhausting time for some.

Gemini occupies a house in everyone's chart. Welcome to the circus:

First House: a time to reconsider what makes you feel beautiful, to redefine what beauty has to mean and look like. a time of enhanced social awareness (from a distance) and learning how you bring a distinct value to people--but first settling on how you wish to value yourself. being comfortable with your many faces, but also eliminating the faces, the out-grown personalities, that do not suit you anymore

Second House: a time to reevaluate how material possessions add beauty, add value, add ease-- or completely distract you from the assets that matter the most. a renewed version of self-care, a hard and honest look at your bank account and closet and cabinets, a purging to make room for new beautiful things to bloom. divine dividends

Third House: a time to reconsider what needs to be said. holding space for new ideas to take the place of old ones. learning to value your unique perspective, whilst also respecting the perspectives of others. work that neuro plasticity, pave new grooves into your gray matter. a time to stop and smell the roses as you are out and about. rekindling bonds with siblings and teammates.

Fourth House: a time to spackle, paint, hang and rearrange. where has the beauty in your home become stagnant, and how can you insert new pathways of inspiration into your halls? retooling your roots, beautifying your sanctuaries, finding Aphrodite in your ancestry. this can be a time to reacquaint yourself with the value a tribe, a home, a family, and a foundation gives you. that's how beauty can blossom.

Fifth House: a time to make friends with that blinking cursor on a blank page, the dried paint brush, the stack of half-finished poetry in the corner of your room, and the project that makes your heart sing--but that you've been too afraid to sing along with. retool your relationship with your inner child, that spark in the dark. your authentic self could use some authenticating

Sixth House: a time to throw out ugly habits, dead-end jobs, and the futile and self-deprecating sense of duty and responsibility you hold. time for new rituals. time put your worth and value ahead of the needs of others. you are more than a cog in a machine. you are the machine. an extraordinary one. and an extraordinary one needs all the tonics, tinctures, remedies and herbs. beautiful insides make for a beautiful outside, so celebrate your vitality, and appreciate all that your body does--in sickness and in health

Seventh House: a time to throw out ugly people! where are your relationships failing to live up to the happiness, joy, and wonder that you deserve? time for the talks, time to press send on an apology, time to ask for help, time to delete the dating profile and jump into the vulnerability of committed partnership, or time to unwed yourself from the security of singledom and start to mingle your heart out. also a good time to take inventory of the people you've invited into your hopes and dreams, the business affiliates that either help you sink or swim. choose people who bring beauty and warmth into your life. unbreak your heart. time for new patterns.

Eighth House: a time to get a handle on your debt, obligations, on your portfolios and investments. where are you over-sharing, where are you under-sharing, where can you give more, and where can you divest? immaterially, your heart, your humanness, your deeply disowned ugliness--they all deserve some TLC. those ogres aren't so scary or ugly when you get to know them. nothing to fear but fear itself. a time for magic and mysticism to inform your path forward.

Ninth House: a time to reevaluate your schooling, your education, what you have accepting as TRUTH actually has more to it. become more nimble with your personal dogma and ideology. challenges to your way of seeing the world don't have to be challenging, but rather, give you a wider array of intellectual and cultural beauty to sample from and enjoy. though not a good time for travel, certainly still a good time to plan. that faraway corner of the world is calling out for you. and that faraway corner of your mind could use a refresh. where are your gurus and mentors failing to inspire you? ditch the old paradigms. there's a yellow brick road with your name on it.

Tenth House: a time to reevaluate your career, your place in the world, the value that you bring to the world, and your unique set of talents. where are you asking to be respected yet still bumping up against gatekeepers? where can your creativity be better suited? you are your own boss, and your manager can't manage you. time to step up into a firmer sense of self and confidence. take up space. be loud. this is your world and we are living in it.

Eleventh House: a time to reevaluate your social networks, your friend groups, your hopes, accomplishments and your communities at large. unfriend the group think. jettison the crusty cliques. deactivate the profiles. consider where society has perhaps let you down, and recommit to creating environments worthy of the cause that is you. there is beauty to be shared. humanity has cracks but that is where light enters. be the light, even if you need to go dark for now.

Twelfth House: a time to reconsider where you self-sabotage, where you isolate, where you needlessly alienate yourself and others. this can be a deeply creative time when you burrow in the right direction, where unconscious gifts lay, where spirituality sparkles, where the undulations of life at large are within your grasp. beautify your alone time, make it work for you. give your mental hardships some love and tenderness. play around with the unknown, remold your trauma and psychic entanglements, find the beauty in necessary endings and loss. for that is how you begin again.
