Eclipse Prescriptions: What Each Rising Sign Can Expect From The Leo Lunar Eclipse

The Full Moon in Leo is the last chapter of the series of Leo-Aquarius eclipses we have been experiencing for the last year and a half. A total lunar eclipse, this event gives you one final avenue to emotionally absorb and understand the lessons Leo has taught you. Standing boldly across the sky from the Sun at 0 degrees of Leo, this lunation roars, bursting forth with undiluted passion. It is said sometimes that any planet at 0 degrees is entering new territory. Though this is the last of eclipses in Leo for some time, its finality begets urgency—how will you incorporate the lion’s lessons as you embark out into your new territories, the areas of your life that were set ablaze with realizations, dramas, or successes? Leo loves a show, always encouraging you to shine, take up space, and be unabashedly yourself. May what you have learned glitter through your awareness, and outward into your experience. And may you pass this final exam with flying colors, a spectacle befitting only the lion.


But of course there is no getting around Leo’s cooler and cerebral sister: Aquarius. All things exist on a continuum. There is no self-love without also considering the objective love of all humankind. There can be no ego without the collective that threatens to extinguish it, no heart without the veins supplying blood to it. And so as the Sun enters Aquarius on this day, focus shifts away from self and onto society. The Leo-Aquarius axis, to me, has always asked: where can your unique gifts and talents be of help and service to the world at large? Now is the time to consider this and set our compasses towards using our gifts to be a gift upon the world. And on a personal level—where can the places you shine help illuminate your world at large, the grand expanse of your own life?  This is an axis of creativity—whatever is built in one area serves to grow and enlighten its opposite area. The Sun in Aquarius offers us an objective look at what these eclipses have meant for the unfolding of our lives, and now with this final lunar event in Leo, grow into an emotional understanding about how to move forward with it.


Uranus plays an important role in this eclipse, forming the apex of a T-Square involving the Sun and the Moon. Out of retrograde, Uranus may bring forth suddenness and surprises. A massive surge of energy in stable Capricorn, paired with your own skilled understanding of what the Leo-Aquarius eclipses have meant for you ensures that this doesn’t have to be destabilizing, but invigorating, perhaps electrifying your way forward with renewed gusto. And should anything disrupt your momentum, have trust in its ability to reroute you into diviner directions. These are fated times, my friends. Eclipse seasons always are. And with Uranus in the picture, life may orchestrate plot twists you never saw coming. But if you have faith in the overall arc of your life, the story it can tell, and your own agency over those stories, you are able to turn your pages without fear of what the future holds. For you know that there are no happily ever after’s without tending to what must come before.


 Aries & Libra: The Leo-Aquarius eclipses lit up your 5th and 11th houses. Eclipses here may have invigorated your pleasures and creativity, expanding where you already have them, or opening the door where they have been denied. The common thread of creation and joy is self-love, seeing your talents as worthy of expressing, and seeing yourself as worthy to be admired by others. There may have been invitations to not to take life so seriously, or perhaps life became so serious that your only out was unadulterated fun and flow. There is courageousness on this axis, as inevitably, what is created in the 5th receives attention in the 11th. The interplay between your friends and groups, and your own sense of authentic autonomy may have been at play, teasing out those people and places that may not fully support your creative or carnal honesty or perhaps finding the ones that do. Issues of romance and dating could have also weighed heavily, as love, and finding it, is inherently a creative act. You may have sought the solace of children, created one of your own, or else unleashed the one within. This last eclipse asks you to make concrete where you create your belonging.


Leo on the cusp of the 5th house is the gift of play, Aquarius on the 11th means making sure that what you create can serve the greater whole.

Leo on the cusp of the 11th house is the gift of congeniality, Aquarius on the 5th means making sure your social connections feed your heart.


Taurus & Scorpio: The Leo-Aquarius eclipses illuminated the 4th and 10th houses of your chart. This axis is one of private versus public. The way you perform in your career seriously hinges upon the roots you plant for yourself. You cannot stand tall on rocky foundations. Eclipses here may have forced changes around your home or family, and seeing those changes directly benefit or subvert you in your public and vocational life. There may have also been a focus on yin and yang, passive and assertive, as teetering too far in either temperament jeopardizes your need to feel productive but to also feel at peace. Remember, you can have both. There may have even been power struggles with bosses, authority figures, family, or with your own pride surrounding house, home, and status. Keeping up with the Joneses squelches the creative energy that can be spent on building an authentic career that can serve your family and the world at large. This last eclipse asks you to make concrete your commitment to work-life balance, seeing worldly ambitions and domestic duties as equally important.


Leo on the 4th house cusp is the gift of tribe and tradition, Aquarius on the 10th means letting that support your destiny.

Leo on the 10th house cusp is the gift of fame, Aquarius on the 4th means always staying true to your roots.


Gemini & Sagittarius: The Leo-Aquarius eclipses have rocked your 3rd and 9th houses. This is an axis of learning and teaching, community and foreign lands, communication and beliefs. This section of your chart has to do with broadening your mind and illuminating your life’s path through the synthesizing of education, whether through traditional or non-traditional means. Whether in the classroom or out in your community or world at large. This new information may have tweaked or made solid your beliefs, or otherwise created wholly different ones. This last eclipse asks you to make concrete what you have learned and use it to bolster your star power as a teacher, communicating joyfully from a place of authority and wisdom.


Leo on the 3rd house cusp is the gift of gab, Aquarius on the 9th means using that gab to inspire and awaken us all.  

Leo on the 9th house cusp is the gift of confidence, Aquarius on the 3rd means sharing this light with your community.


 Cancer: & Capricorn This last series of eclipses has happened in your 2nd and 8th houses. The need for security and stability may have been a preeminent cause for concern. Known as a money axis, eclipses here may have granted you new ways to secure income or else focus on building a financial and material life befitting of you, perhaps through borrowing or from aggrandizing the personality. You may have also come into contact with the immaterial facets of security, like valuing your talents and yourself. How comfortable you feel here is in direct proportion to how much you can give of yourself. There may have also been events urging you not to base your safety or esteem on material gains, but instead on the inner riches of your humanness. This last eclipse asks you to make concrete the ways you choose to find value in your world, and to strike a balance between material breadth and emotional depth. Get serious about the debts in your life, be them financial or relational.


Leo on the 2nd house cusp is the gift of creative abundance, Aquarius on the 8th means sharing that abundance, and yourself, with others.

Leo on the 8th house cusp is the gift of deep bonding, Aquarius on the 2nd means using those bonds to transform your esteem and attachment to material.


Leo & Aquarius: The Leo-Aquarius eclipses may have changed the way you present in the world, and interface with people. In your 1st and 7th houses, the axis of self and the other, you have experienced events that called you to step more authentically into your identity, and to live from a place of honesty. The eclipses may have challenged your self image, or called upon you to strengthen and make more functional your physical vessel. This relationship to self provides the means through which you relate to others, so your own personal dynamics became relationship dynamics. Through your bonds with others, you learned about yourself, and through your bond with yourself, you learned about others. This last eclipse asks you make concrete what you have learned through your interpersonal dramas, your evolving identity, and your relationship to your place in the world.


Leo on the 1st house cusp is the gift of popularity, Aquarius on the 7th means making sure others get to feel like a star too.

Leo on the 7th house cusp is the gift of proud partnership, Aquarius on the 1st means making sure you’re also proud of yourself.


Virgo & Pisces: The Leo-Aquarius eclipses have brought activity to your 6th-12th house axis. Eclipses here may have triggered awakenings in the areas of spirituality and service. Mental health and physical health are also of concern. You have come to learn that the work and service you do out in the world has ramifications on your inner worlds and your spiritual health, and vice versa. Your inner and outer routines may have been forced into your awareness, where too much focus on the physical suffocates the metaphysical, and too much retreat into nebulous realms may limit your effectiveness in the real world. Events may have made you aware of habits that need to change, organization that needs to happen, body parts that need more attention, or work that needs to be done—all of which serve a greater sense of peace. A life in order becomes a sanctuary.  As these recalibrations take place either with your daily routines, or the cosmic routines of karma and psychic wounding, tend to yourself with compassion. For then it then becomes the compassion that is available to others. This eclipse asks you to make harmonic your invisible and visible worlds, building habits in both directions that can serve your life.


Leo on the 12th house cusp is the gift of sensitivity, Aquarius on the 6th asks you to serve from that softness.

Leo on the 6th house cusp is the gift of dedication, Aquarius on the 12th means making sure you give your all to yourself too.