T-Squares are a constant source of stress, and in that way they can be viewed as "bad." But just as easily, the tension and stress that comes with a T-Square can be the catalyst for great success, as the native is so focused on easing that energy that they come up with solutions, or learn to deal with it healthfully. In that way, a square is a bit more productive than a trine, as the energy is way more in your face and more likely to be dealt with and overcome. T-Square is a prominent signature in the charts of highly successful people. Oprah. Just sayin…
T-Squares are formed by planets in the same modality: fixed, mutable or cardinal. Two opposing planets form the base, and each of those planets are then squared by an apex planet, forming the top of the triangle often seen with a T-square. To me, a T-square forms tension because every planet wants to do things their own way, especially the planets in opposition. Fixed T-squares are seen as the the hardest, followed by Cardinal and then Mutable. You can see why, fixed planets are obsessed with GETTING their own way, Cardinal planets are obsessed with GOING their own way, Mutable T-squares don't know WHICH way.
There are two sources of release for a T-square. One is: the apex planet. Harnessing the energies of the focal/apex planet mediates the tension between the two opposing planets. I call the apex planet the babysitter planet, always trying to get the opposing planets to get along. To use myself as an example--I have a Fixed T-Square (ouch, but also, yay!) with Venus in Aquarius as my apex, and Moon and Pluto in opposition, Taurus and Scorpio respectively. To be brief, I find relief from the Pluto-Moon tug-of-war through expressing my Venus. How does that look for me? Well--music, arts, being detached, being friendly and cool, being with my friends. Venus in the 9th--release through learning, taking a wise and long-view, foreign travel. I pinpoint those things and do them when I feel Pluto-Moon foolery uprising (obsession, jealousy, being afraid of change, compulsion, duty, fear, withdrawing, isolating).
The other source of release is the empty point. There is always a point/sign across from the apex planet/house that is unoccupied in the T-Square, or else you'd have a Grand Cross. Using me again, the point missing here is Leo. And luckily for me, Jupiter is there (by sign, not really by tight degree). So then Jupiter/Leo/3rd house becomes another way to ease the Moon-Pluto opposition. An example given is that a T-Square is like driving a car with 3 wheels, and then that empty point becomes where you need to attach the 4th wheel in order to make a move on. So for me, Jupiter and Venus become the solution. Also, transits to the empty spot provide more opportunity for solution. As well as transits to the apex planet. Transits to the planets in opposition double down on the tension.
So how does it it influence your life--well you may fall into careers and expressions that befit the apex planet or the empty point. Oprah had an empty point in the 5th house and her entire life is about self-expression, joy, cooking (Weight Watchers anyone!?), being unapologetically herself. And her T-square formation became the catalyst for her talk show career, and now just her public persona as a wise sage. So the T-square can color the direction of your successes.
That’s the tea on the T.
Cast your chart on Astro.com to dig deeper into your chart, and your own T-Square (red triangle).